Water & Utilities
Water and sewer accounts are established at the Village Hall.
For new residents in single family homes:
We require a copy of your driver’s license and a copy of a portion of your closing papers with your name and Hainesville address for verification. These can be dropped in the gray drop box located north of the Village Hall building. If you have any questions, you may call our Utility Billing Dept. at 847-223-2032. Townhome associations handle the water and garbage for townhome residents as part of their monthly assessment dues.
Water bills are produced monthly and include your garbage service bill. Garbage collection day is Friday. Please follow this link to Garbage & Recycling Page for detailed information on those services. If you have any problem with garbage collection, please call Groot Industries directly at 847-693-2700.
Bill Pay Methods
- Online payments – resident manages
- Automatic debit payment – village manages
- Drop your payment off at the Village Hall
- Drop your payment in the gray drop box on the north side of the Village Hall
- Mail your payment to the Village Hall
Utility Bill Charges
The charges on your monthly utility bills are as follows:
- Water (WA) (Up to 8,000 gallons) $37.00
- After 8,000 gallons (Per 1,000 gallons) $4.62
- Lake County Sewer (SW) (Per 1,000 gallons). The different rates are due to the different treatment plants used.
- $6.844 for Deer Point, Sanctuary, Settlement and Misty Hill Subdivision which is in the Northeast Central (North Shore Sanitary District)
- $3.98 for Cranberry Lake (both single family homes and all townhomes), Ryland Homes Union Square and Hainesville Businesses Plus $1.50 Excess Flow Charge which is in the Northwest System (Fox Lake Sanitary District)
- Hainesville Sewer (SW) (Per 1,000 gallons) $1.00
- Garbage (GB) $22.00
- Senior Garbage Rate (GB) $19.80 (Residents 65 years of age and over )
- Statement Fee (SF) $5.00 – monthly fee to receive a mailed Utility Bill
Utility e-Billing Info
Avoid the $5.00 monthly Statement Fee by enrolling in e-billing for your utility account! Use the e-Billing Authorization Form below to enroll in e-billing.
Online Payments
Please follow this link to BSA Online Payments page to access your Utility Account and make payments.
Our online payment processor, Point and Pay, now offers the option to set up a recurring electronic payment using a CREDIT or DEBIT CARD. The Village absorbs all associated costs. Instructions on how set up recurring payments can be found in this PDF.
Automatic Debit
Pay your utility bill automatically each month from a checking or savings account of your choice. Download and fill out the Automatic Debit Form (PDF) to apply for auto debit and the terms and conditions to enroll in the automatic debit program.
Once complete, please print and return the form to the Village Hall or place in the gray drop box on the north side of the Village Hall. DO NOT EMAIL the form.
Late Charges
Please be aware of the following charges for past due bills:
- 10% late charge penalty is assessed on the day after the bill is due.
- If Past Due Amount is not paid by the 30th, a Final Notice is mailed and you are charged a $50.00 service fee.
- If your Past Due Amount, penalties and fees are not paid within eight days of the Final Notice, a $50.00 shut off penalty will be added to your amount due when personnel are dispatched to disconnect your service. The shut off fee will increase by $50.00 per occurrence during any calendar year not to exceed $150.00. This fee, along with any previous balance, penalties and fees must be paid prior to resumption of service. Personal checks are NOT accepted after service is disconnected.
- A $25.00 return check fee will apply to all returned payments. Returned checks must be replaced with cash, certified check, money order or credit card within 30 days of the written demand letter date. After three return checks within any twelve month period, the Village will only accept payment in the form of cash, certified check, money order or credit card for a period of twelve consecutive months.
The Village of Hainesville must impose these additional fees to defray the cost for final notices and water shut-offs so that delinquent customers, and not all customers pay these costs.
Hardship payment plans are available, please call the Village 847-223-2032 for more information.
e-Billing Authorization Form
Stormwater and Water Quality Information
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II
The Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 established the NPDES stormwater program. Phase I of the NPDES Stormwater program began in 1990 and required medium and large municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) to obtain NPDES coverage. The expanded Phase II program began in March 2003 and required small MS4s in urbanized areas to obtain NPDES permits and implement six (6) minimum control measures.
- Public education and outreach on stormwater impacts
- Public involvement and participation
- Illicit discharge detection and elimination
- Construction site stormwater runoff control
- Post construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment
- Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations
Additional information regarding the NPDES Program can be found by visiting the IEPA or USEPA websites.
To report any suspected illicit discharges (paint, oils, chemicals, etc) to the storm sewers or waterways, please contact the Village Hall at 847-223-2032.
IL EPA Notice of Intent
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
View the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (PDF).
IL EPA Facility Inspection Reports
Water Confidence Report
View the current Water Confidence Report (PDF).
IEPA Final Material Inventory
View the IEPA 2024 Final Material Inventory (PDF).
Water, Utilities & Sewer FAQs
How can I pay my utility bill online?
The Village of Hainesville is pleased to bring you a more convenient method to pay your utility bill (water, sewer and garbage). Visit the Online Payments page to access your Utility Account and make payments. You will then be able to use your credit or debit card to pay your utility bill. Master Card, Discover and Visa are accepted.
Direct Debit is also available. Fill out and print the Automatic Debit Form (PDF) then return it to the Village Hall or leave in the drop box in front. DIRECT DEBIT APPLICATION NOT ACCEPTED VIA EMAIL.
How do I put the utility bill in my name?
If you are a new resident in a single-family home, we will need to have a copy of your driver’s license and a copy of a portion of your closing papers with your name and Hainesville address for verification. Click here to email a copy of the documents to set up the account or they may be dropped in the gray drop box located north of the Village Hall building. If you have any questions, you may call our Utility Billing Dept. at 847-223-2032 ext. 14. Townhome associations handle the water and garbage for townhome residents as part of their monthly assessment dues.
How often am I billed for water and sewer?
Bills are currently issued monthly. Meter readings are taken around the last business day of the month prior to billing. Utility bills are issued on or about the 15th of each month and are due on the 10th of the following month. If the 10th of the month falls on a Holiday or weekend then the due date will be the next business day. If you have any questions, please call the Village Hall at 847-223-2032.
What are the current rates for water and sewer?
The rate for water is $37.00 for up to 8,000 gallons of usage, $4.62 per 1,000 gallons thereafter. Funds pay for both the cost of water itself and the maintenance of the mains and other distribution components. The Village sewer charge is $1.00 per 1,000 gallons. This charge pays for the maintenance and operation of sewer lines (not for sewage processing).
What is the cost for sewage processing?
Homes located West of Hainesville Road pay $3.98 per 1,000 gallons of water used. This charge is for the sewage processing that goes to Fox Lake Sanitation. Homes located East of Hainesville Road pay $6.844 per 1,000 gallons of water used. This charge is for the sewage processing that goes to North Shore Sanitation.
For Single Family Homes during summer months a discount is applied to the sewer portion of your bill. The discount is based on the assumption that a portion of your summer water usage is not returned as sewage (lawn sprinkling for example). The discount applies to water usage during the months of June, July, August and September. Your summer sewer charge will be based on your average October through May usage.
What should I do if my bill seems too high?
First, check to see if your meter reading is correct.
The inside meter is usually located in the basement, crawl space, or utility closet for homes without a basement. The reading should be taken from left to right. The reading in thousands of gallons on your bill and the reading of the inside meter should be close. (Remember to factor in water usage since the reading date.) If the reading on your bill is higher, please call (847) 223-2032, describe the discrepancy, and someone will be contacted to take a corrected reading.
Second, check for leaks in your home.
An easy way to check for leaks is to read your meter either at night or when you will be away from home for an extended period of time. Read the meter again in the morning or when you return home, before using any water. If the reading has changed, this suggests a leak. Common areas to check for leaks are toilets, sinks, water softeners, humidifiers and sprinkler systems. If you are unable or unsure how to repair a leak, contact a licensed plumber. Remember a leak means you are paying for water you are not using.
What are the sprinkling restrictions?
Village-wide lawn sprinkling restrictions went into effect July 15, 1996.
- Odd numbered houses may water on odd numbered calendar days.
- Even numbered houses may water on even numbered calendar days.
- Holiday Lane ONLY town home address is determined by first two digits.
- During your day to water, hours are midnight to 9 am and again from 6 pm to midnight.
- Lawn sprinkling and outdoor watering of trees, shrubs, etc., is restricted to the permitted days and hours.
- Hand watering is permitted.
- Children’s sprinklers may be used not to exceed two hours in usage.
- Newly seeded or sodded lawns may be watered for the first two weeks not to exceed four hours per day.
- There is NO WATERING allowed between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The watering restrictions are strictly enforced and fines are imposed. If you have questions, call the Village Hall at 847-223-2032 for clarification.
What happens to water and wastewater utilities when the Com Ed power goes out?
The wellhouses and wastewater facilities are equipped with back-up generators. These generators supply the power necessary to keep your potable water system operational and the wastewater lift stations and treatment plant functional until your regular Com Ed power is restored. So next time your lights go out don’t fret, you are in good hands!
Who do I contact for Public Works Emergencies after Village business hours?
Please contact 911.
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